Today, here at the 22cans Tower. Konrad continued work on the combat scenario design, Richard attend a combat meeting and Pavle made the Followers know when they’ve killed someone.
Konrad - Design- Miscellaneous bug fixes.
- Continued work on combat scenario design.
Fabs - Programming- Still working on 64bit issues. Definitely not causing trees, rocks, or cacti to reappear.
Pavle - Programming- Made the Followers know when they’ve killed someone.
- Starting projectile rendering.
Andy - Production- MEETINGS!
- Combat design meeting!
- Product owners meeting!
- Sound design meeting for combat!
- Uploaded another build to opt-in.
Martin - QA- Triaging and archiving from overnight testing.
- Regression bugs from Mobile update.
- Attended combat meeting.
- Regressed some PC bugs ready for a submission to Opt-In then, hopefully, Main.
- Smoke tested version for PC.
Richard - Programming- Merged more code between branches so we can ship a build to Steam main branch.
- Attended a combat meeting.
- Started work on combat!
Conor - QA & Community- Largely a mixture of social media browsing along with some Zendesk tickets.
- However the first samples of the printing company are arriving which is kind of exciting and I’m looking forward to being able to start the comparison.
Dave - Community- Loitering around the Steam, 22cans and Pro boards forums.
- Going over plans with Colin for the Mods visit to the studio.
- Cleared out the godus feedback inbox.